Saturday 4 December 2021


The Obsidian Files
- My own Cardassian themed site.

Ryselle Chan Gallery - Fantastic artist and ship modeller

The Neutral Zone - Old site no longer updated but a great resource site.

Star Trek Design Project - A superb database of all on screen Trek logos and insignia.

For Cardassia - A dedicated Cardassia forum.

Trekcore - The go to site for Screencaps and publicity pics.

Memory Alpha - The Star Trek Encyclopedia

The Trek Collective - Great site for news and articles

Deviant Art - The best Art site on the net.

Pdmahler's Logo's  - A great source of Trek Logos, canon & non canon

Jonbromle1 Gallery  - Another prolific Star Trek pic manip creator.

The Kes Website  - A site dedicated to Kes from Voyager with great Maps too.